Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Brianna O'Donnell
English 1100
August 31, 2016
Prof. Young

                                                                    Getting to Know You

1. Currently I do not play a sport, but in high school I played tennis freshman year and did swimming freshman to junior year. I have played tennis on and off throughout my whole life and I have been swimming competitively since I was ten.

2. I am passionate about enjoying the world that we live in. During my free time I enjoy doing activities that have nature involved somehow and in someway such as things like going to the beach, taking a walk in the park, hiking, canoeing, etc. I enjoy absorbing the beauty that this world has to offer.

3. Once in a blue moon do I ever lie, so this question was difficult. The most ridiculous lie that I have ever told was probably my freshman year of high school, when I told my mother that my swim team was having a slumber party at the pool, when in reality I just wanted to go to my first high school party with my girlfriends. In case you were wondering, my mother did believe me and never did she find out that I was not at the swimming pool that night.

4. When it comes to writing, I sit at the computer and allow the words to flow. Writing is something I enjoy very much so it is easy for me to write without outlining or planning ahead.

5. So far, I would describe my writing experience interesting and easy-going. The diagnostic writing was rather straightforward and uncomplicated. From this course, I am most interested in learning how to improve my writing skills as well as getting a better understanding of the different types of writing styles.

6. The most recent book that I have read from cover to cover was "Little Bee" by Chris Cleave. I read this at the end of my senior year of high school.

7. I update each of my social medias very differently. I write on Facebook very rarely, Twitter about once a day, Snap Chat about twice a day, and Instagram around once a week.

8. It is most important for me to learn this semester how to balance out all of my responsibilities and adjust to the college life style, meanwhile keeping up with my studies.

9. Identity is the way in which a person is defined by physical characteristics as well as one's personality traits.

10. Police brutality is a major issue that is important to me because it takes place more than it should in today's society. Police brutality is something that is unnecessary by all means and could probably be avoided. Nothing positive or good comes out of this type of behavior and I believe that it must be stopped immediately because it is ruining the reputations of many police officers across the country. It is also making this world less of a safe place and that is the last thing that this society needs for current and future generations.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUvaaWEKe9s

11. I would rate myself as a "B" writer because I encompass the skills of a great writer but I also have much room for improvement.

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